Sunday, June 4 2023
Posted by Mandee on June 4th, 2023
1 response
“Reverse JACKIE"
For Time: (15min cap)
30 Pull-Ups MRX Ring Rows
50 Thrusters 45/35lbs
1000m Row
For Time: (15min cap)
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45/35lbs
30 Pull-ups MRX Ring Rows
“Double JACKIE”
For Time: (25min cap)
2000m Row
100 Thrusters 45/35lbs
60 Pull-ups MRX Ring Rows
Flexibility Development
2x30sec Couch Stretch or Modified Couch
2x30sec Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
2x 30sec Banded Shoulder Stretches
2x 30sec Pigeon/Swan/Piriformis Stretch
2x 30sec Chinese Splits
2x 30sec American Splits
1 response to "Sunday, June 4 2023"
Misty says:
June 4, 2023 at 7:57 pm
Jackie - 9:25 rx